What is LHVC doing?
LHVC is developing supports and infrastructure in the following ways:
Established a 24/7 Helpline
Child care (limited free options & paid)
Curating valid and vetted information
Collaborating with other neighborhoods
Liaising with the City and Lane County Public Health
Seeking additional funds and resources
Database of volunteers
Database of neighbors in need
If the outbreak hits our neighborhood hard, the Executive Committee will call neighbors in need to check in on them and connect them to volunteers as needed. We will also help connect them with whatever resources that may be needed.
We are also searching for options that may support neighbors who need financial or material aid in terms of food, transportation, clothing, shelter, etc.
Important Info
from Lane County Public Health
If you're experiencing MILD to MODERATE flu-like symptoms, contact the following:
Your doctor's office or care team
Lane County's hotline at:
Either can help you identify the best course of action to protect your health and avoid overloading medical services.
Remember to only rely on and share information from vetted and authoritative sources, such as:
Information on social media, even some shared by individual medical professionals, can be inaccurate and has led to injury and death. Public Health Officials are pleading with the public to not trust or share anecdotal information.
Helpful Resources
Donations, Volunteering, & DIY
Financial Assistance & Security
Food Related Info and Resources
General Day to Day Info
Physical and Mental Health
Technology, Social Media, and Mythbusters
We've not verified these, but here are other comprehensive lists of resources: