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Laurel Ridge Response 


We have a new Land Use (development) Application, referred to as “Laurel Ridge”, and we’re forming a sub-committee to review the application and prepare a formal response.

The major elements of this proposal are:

  • Development of 98 acres south of Hendrix Hill, Moon Mtn, and East Ridge Village areas

  • Construction of 124 dwellings on 124 lots (many of which have steep inclines)

  • Connecting 30th Avenue/Spring Blvd. to our neighborhood via Brackenfern and Rockrose extensions

  • Main access to the area would be from an access road off of 30th Ave. (a high-speed, limited-access road)

  • Various environmental implications (including the watershed area and subsequently the Willamette River)V

Many of these aspects will directly impact the nature of our community, and some may violate various city/county codes and our neighborhood Refinement Plan

If you are interested in helping us review this application and respond, we would be grateful and excited to have you!  We’re particularly hoping for representation from the Hendrix Hill area and neighbors with expertise in real estate/development, environmental safety, transportation, or public administration.  Skills in note-taking, report writing/editing, fact-finding, etc. are also helpful! 

If you would like to join or have any questions, please contact Stan Dura. Please share this far and wide within the community, and feel free to contact if you need my cell phone number. 

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