Executive Committee
Co-chairs - Caroline Cox, Lianne Gaunt
Treasurer - Jan Wostmann
Secretary - Natalie Whitson
Members - Tom Bruno, Tim Bradshaw, Kaye Downey, Kathy Frazer, Mitch Hider, Erin Dey, Deborah Kelly, Sheryl Kelly, Jan Wostmann, Benjamin Hansen, Alex Do
What we do
The LHVC Executive Committee meets quarterly from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, to hear about current events, discuss ways to enhance the quality of life in our valley, and plan the next general meeting. These are usually held in February at the nearby Comfort Inn Suites (3060 E 25th Ave, Eugene); in spring and fall (usually May and November) at Northwest Youth Corps (2621 Augusta); and through an ice cream social held in August at the Laurel Hill Park, 2645 Augusta St.
Involvement Opportunities
Communication Committee
Newsletter Editor - Deborah Kelly
Facebook Group Admins - Kathy Frazer, Susan Ratzlaff
LHVC Email Admin - Kaye Downey
Website Admins - Lianne Gaunt, Jan Wostmann
iContact Admin - Lianne Gaunt
Neighborhood Leaders Council Representatives - Tom Bruno
Donations to LHVC are welcome and encouraged! We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and the Executive Committee members are uncompensated volunteers. Donations are tax deductible under most circumstances.
Donations are regularly needed for the PUD Response Committee actions for expenses related to legal and administrative filings, legal and expert fees, etc. Donations are also needed for our General Fund, which pays for refreshments and supplies for meetings and events (ice cream social, pot luck, etc.), signs, neighborhood improvement projects, newsletters, etc.
Donations can be in the form of check or cash delivered to Susan Ratzlaff. When donating, please specify on the check (memo line) or in the communication (email, attached note, etc.) exactly where you want your donation to go (see below for options). If nothing is noted, it will go into the General Fund.
Contact Susan Ratzlaff for details and more information.
Donation options:
General fund (meetings, supplies, communications, etc.)
Specific PUD response
Neighbor Assistance Fund
This fund is a newly approved fund designated to support neighbors in times of need. Details and guidelines to ensure equitable and transparent administration are forthcoming, however we can still accept donations for it.
Community service
PUD Response Committees
Laurel Ridge Response Committee Chair - Tim Bradshaw
Capital Hill Response Committee Chairs - Tom Bruno, Sheryl Kelly
East Ridge Village Committee Chair - Tom Bruno